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Fishboards was a hobby company I started when I was 14. I built and sold custom carbon fiber longboards.
I closed down the website but still have the Facebook page up, check it out here:

While working with models around Fishboards I quickly started using CAD as my main design tool. Through the company I learnt a lot about modeling and a lot about design.

All boards started as 4mm plywood. I built forms to shape the concave of the board.
Most boards were covered in carbon fiber. Both for greater stiffness and also for the looks.

The boards were varnished in a spray booth, with two component automotive varnish.
For the graphics I used a vinyl cutter and red vinyl tape

The boards weren't only for show. They have over 10 podium positions with one first place in the Swedish Championships.
Some images
Some images:
Tools I used
Tools I used
CAD design
After the first board I built I switched to digital design files.
The boards use simple woodworking methods as well as methods I learnt while building my boat.
Things I learnt
Social media marketing
I learnt the power of social media marketing and the quirks around it.
For the company I built the first version of the CNC. I learnt everything from CAM tools to tooling.
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